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Wie kann man onewire auf dem STM32MP135 mit python nutzen?


I want to read a temperature sensor DS18B20 with onewire with the STM32MP135 in Python?
Does anyone know how to do this best?
I've already tried installing the onwire library from python, but that fails. I don't want to program it in C.

I'm new here, so I hope I've classified my problem correctly.


ST Employee

Hi @birnnehi 


I succeeded to use DS18B20 with STM32MP157F-DK2 with the following setup

Connect sensor on:

  • CN2 pin 8 and pin 10 shorted together (USART3_TX and USART3_RX): sensor data (usually yellow wire)
  • CN2 pin 6 (VSS) : sensor ground (usually black wire)
  • CN2 pin 4 (+5V): sensor supply (usually red wire)

install PyDigiTemp python module

Boot the board using "stm32mp157f-dk2-a7-examples" device tree (option 2 in U-Boot when prompted).
This define USART3 as ttySTM1 on pins listed above.

If needed to confirm the tty port used on your system, please have a look to


Then such kind of python code should work:


from digitemp.master import UART_Adapter from digitemp.device import TemperatureSensor sensor = TemperatureSensor(UART_Adapter('/dev/ttySTM1')) temperature = sensor.get_temperature()






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Uwe Bonnes
Principal III

If the MP1 runs linux, there is also owfs, the one-wire-filesystem.