2021-04-16 6:48 AM
While following the example at https://wiki.st.com/stm32mpu/wiki/How_to_compile_the_device_tree_with_the_Developer_Package#Updating_the_kernel_device_tree, I'm running into problems downloading the SDK.
The link provided from instructions below, always downloads the "SOURCES" tar not the "SDK".
I have tried searching for the SDK at other places on your web-site, all results bring back the
en.SOURCES-stm32mp1-openstlinux-5-4-dunfell-mp1-20-06-24.tar.xz not the SDK
Could someone please verify this issue and point me to where I can get the SDK.
Thanks in advance!
2021-04-19 1:22 AM
Hi @JSpra ,
In case you are still stuck with it, you need to click on Yocto_SDK link and not STM32MP1DeveloperPackage.
2021-04-19 4:37 PM
Well, I was running down a device tree compile issue using Yocto SDK, thought I would see if I got same results using STM's suggestion for device tree compile.
Good suggestion though, thanks for the reply!
2021-04-19 5:32 PM
Hi @JSpra ,
For the device tree compile issue using Yocto SDK I suggest you to create another topic about this, maybe one can help you.