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There is no definition of what an MPU is and why this is a different "community" than the MCU with its sub communities. Please explain. You might put that in the description section of the forum two forums.

Grant Rostig
Chief II

It means "Microprocessor unit", because it has no RAM and flash in it. Usually those are with Cortex-A core(s) not Cortex-M, and often is called also SoC (system on a chip).

But it interferes with "Memory Protection Unit", which most Cortex M devices have.

Such memory-less devices had historically been called "microprocessor".

Dunno why every vendor feels the urge to invent his own terminology.

Remember, PCMCIA.

The MPU boards are designed to run Embedded Linux properly, so you're building kernels, writing drivers, and apps running on the OS. I suspect they kept the things separate so as not to confuse the chaps using the MCU class devices, and those claiming to "know linux" yet have never built a kernel.

The bigger question was what fool thought calling them STM32 parts would help separate functional differences and expectations.

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Bumsik Kim

For me it is super obvious. It is not hard to guess what MPU means when the word is used ​alongside with MCU. It's a microprocessor that is capable of running normal Linux. And it definetely need a separate communities because it's....Linux.