2020-03-03 12:59 AM
Hi There,
When the STPMIC1 goes into POWER_ON ALTERNATE mode via the PWRCTRL pin, does the activation of other Turn-ON condition sources like PONKEY or WAKEUP pins will have a resulting effect to the state of POWER_ON mode? (i.e. also triggers the PMIC back to POWER_ON MAIN mode etc?)
2020-03-03 1:30 AM
No, Turn-ON condition only have effect when STPMIC1 is in OFF state.
Refer to https://www.st.com/resource/en/datasheet/stpmic1.pdf and Figure 53. STPMIC1 state machine.
Hope it help,
2020-03-03 2:13 AM
Let's add some details when STPMIC1 is used with STM32MP1x processor:
PONKEY could be set to generate INTn, which could be managed by STM32MP1x as a wakeup pin (if not in OFF/VBAT mode), so set PWR_ON (PWRCTRL) to 1 which put back PMIC to MAIN mode.
Similarly, as WAKEUP is only used in OFF/VBAT state, in other states (STANDBY or above), WAKEUP (from RTC) is used in STM32MP1x as an internal wakeup source, which toggle PWR_ON (PWRCTRL) to 1 which put back PMIC to MAIN mode.
2020-03-03 2:30 AM
Thanks the prompt reply,
Understood. May I confirm with you on the "poweroff" command behaviour when used on the STM32MP157C-EV1 evaluation board? As I find it quite confusing when trying to map it to with STMIC1 state machine, especially I can actually wake up the STM32MP157C Evaluation board when pressing the Wake Up button (connected nPONKEY on the STPMIC1) when I have shut the device via "poweroff" command.
Does it follows the following sequence:
This is what I am guessing based on my hardware signal measurement, but would be great if you can clarify it for me.
2020-03-03 3:05 AM
Hi @SYEH ,
In case of "poweroff" STPMIC is set in OFF mode not in ALERNATE POWER_ON.
In that case pressing Wake Up button connected to nPONKEY behave as a normal Turn On condition.
2020-03-03 3:13 AM
Yes, your understanding is correct.
What you list is a STANDBY state entry/exit, PMIC is still ON and supply VDD (Buck2).
By default, in our Starter Package, STANDBY mode is used for "shutdown" or "poweroff" command.
You should modify the TF-A DeviceTree to map them to a PMIC OFF mode (save more power, but similar for Linux reboot point of view).
see https://wiki.st.com/stm32mpu/wiki/PMIC_hardware_components
AN5109 and AN5284 could help to understand power modes.
2020-03-11 7:48 PM
Thanks on the answers. All clear now. Cheers.