2023-09-20 4:03 AM - edited 2023-09-20 4:04 AM
Hi. I guess I need some help with flashing the STM32MP157F-DK2. I wanted to use the PKCS#11 TA. But calling
$ pkcs11-tool --show-info --module /usr/lib/libckteec.so.0
gives me the error that no pkcs11-tool is found. After some research I found out that secure services are disabled by default for the ecosystem >= 5.0.0. To renable them one has to build OP-TEE and TF-A with CFG_STM32MP1_OPTEE_IN_SYSRAM=y and STM32MP1_OPTEE_IN_SYSRAM=1. After doing so and making sure that the files are built with those flags I wanted to flash the board with the new files. But when I flash the board I receive the following output:
Exception mode=0x00000016 at: 0x2ffec907
NOTICE: Model: STMicroelectronics STM32MP157F-DK2 Discovery Board
NOTICE: Board: MB1272 Var4.0 Rev.C-03
INFO: PMIC version = 0x21
INFO: TF-A Reset Reason Called TXNX
INFO: Reset reason (0x15):
INFO: Power-on Reset (rst_por)
INFO: FCONF: Reading TB_FW firmware configuration file from: 0x2ffe2000
INFO: FCONF: Reading firmware configuration information for: stm32mp_io
INFO: Instance 2
INFO: Boot used partition fsbl1
NOTICE: BL2: v2.8-stm32mp1-r1.0(debug):c1a09d428-dirty(c1a09d42)
NOTICE: BL2: Built : 08:45:21, Sep 20 2023
INFO: BL2: Doing platform setup
INFO: RAM: DDR3-DDR3L 16bits 533000kHz
INFO: Memory size = 0x20000000 (512 MB)
INFO: phase ID :3, Manifestation 3 at c718618a
INFO: Send detach request
INFO: Receive DFU Detach
INFO: BL2: Loading image id 1
INFO: Loading image id=1 at address 0x2ffff000
INFO: Image id=1 loaded: 0x2ffff000 - 0x2ffff1ea
INFO: FCONF: Reading FW_CONFIG firmware configuration file from: 0x2ffff000
INFO: FCONF: Reading firmware configuration information for: dyn_cfg
INFO: FCONF: Reading firmware configuration information for: stm32mp1_firewall
INFO: BL2: Loading image id 4
INFO: Loading image id=4 at address 0xde000000
INFO: Image id=4 loaded: 0xde000000 - 0xde00002c
INFO: OPTEE ep=0xde000000
INFO: OPTEE header info:
INFO: magic=0x4554504f
INFO: version=0x2
INFO: arch=0x0
INFO: flags=0x0
INFO: nb_images=0x2
WARNING: The load address in optee header 0x2ffc0000 - 0x2ffd38e0 is not in reserved area: 0xde000000 - 0xe0000000.
ERROR: OPTEE header parse error.
PANIC at PC : 0x2ffec907
My guess is that the new load address from the optee header is invalid. What is the right way to fix this? Thanks in advance.
2023-09-20 5:39 AM
Hi @Auoryus ,
I can"t comment for PKCS11, for OPTEE mapping please have a look to wiki How to configure a 256MB DDR mapping from STM32 MPU Distribution Package - stm32mpu and cross check that configuration is complete and consistent in all BSP component
Let me know if it help