I encountered a problem with optee that I could not resolve due to a misunderstanding of debug information.
During boot up the board, I get the following debug log
F/TC:0 0 __clk_enable:1195 Clock 192 has been enabled
D/TC:0 0 probe_driver_node:550 element: stm32-rtc on node rtc@5c004000 initialized
F/TC:0 0 probe_driver_node:543 Probing stm32-iwdg on node watchdog@5a002000
F/TC:0 0 pager_deploy_page:1469 Mapped 0x30023000 -> 0x2fffa000
F/TC:0 0 pager_deploy_page:1469 Mapped 0x30056000 -> 0x2ffea000
F/TC:0 0 pager_deploy_page:1469 Mapped 0x30021000 -> 0x2fffd000
D/TC:0 0 gic_it_set_cpu_mask:410 cpu_mask: writing 0xff000000 to 0x349218b4
D/TC:0 0 gic_it_set_cpu_mask:412 cpu_mask: 0x3000000
D/TC:0 0 gic_it_set_prio:426 prio: writing 0x1 to 0x349214b7
D/TC:0 0 dt_driver_device_from_node_idx_prop:370 Property resets missing in node watchdog@5a002000
F/TC:0 0 __clk_enable:1195 Clock 58 has been enabled
D/TC:0 0 iwdg_wdt_get_version_and_status:528 Watchdog is enabled
F/TC:0 0 pager_deploy_page:1469 Mapped 0x30055000 -> 0x2ffed000
F/TC:0 0 pager_deploy_page:1469 Mapped 0x3001c000 -> 0x2fffb000
D/TC:0 0 register_periph_iomem:331 IO for non-secure resource 0x5a002000
E/TC:0 0 Panic
and with Panic at the end. I have to admit that I don't see any trouble with the debug text above.
I also attached two dts files tf-a and optee and full log.
The files were generated from the latest STMCubeIde 1.17.0 with the necessary supplementation.
Thanks for any help
BR Michal