2019-06-26 9:54 AM
We are a connecting a sensor to M4 side and reading the data through UART7. UART7 is enabled for M4 by modifying the Linux Kernel Device tree and TF-A .dtsi files.
Device tree file for TF-A is generated through STM32CubeMX. and Placed the generated files in the /fdts folder of TF-A(Which was downloaded from stm git) and built it and loaded to the board using the given procedure.
We are able to read the UART data correctly when OPENAMP_Init() is not used.
This is blocker for our project and urgent help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
2019-07-08 7:25 AM
2 solutions :
1- compile the dts generated by CubeMX then once .dtb copied on target rename it with the default applied one stm32mp157c-dk2.dtb
2 - you can create a new configuration entry in /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf you can select during boot
2019-07-09 11:38 AM
Hi Olivier,
I was able to use solution for device tree. The changes i made to led green is working. and the status of the configured peripheral is okay.
But unfortunately this didn't solve my problem. I have modified the the status of DMA in device tree in the file stm32mp157c-m4-srm.dtsi. That didnt work either.
And i tried to update the device tree for tf-a. But here the kernel got corrupted. The device is not starting. I guess i have to reflash the image.
I don't see any reference to DMA peripheral in the device tree generated by CubeMX.
If you have any sample projects with this setup, it would help us a lot.
Thank you.