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Secure boot with wrong hash in OTPs

Daniel S.
Associate III

I'm trying to get SecureBoot running on STM32MP157.
After opening and reading about 30 pages of your wiki and basically following [1] I was able to create keys and convinced yocto into generating "*_Signed*" files.
Sadly I then got confused with publicKeyHash00.bin and publicKeysHashHashes.bin and uploaded the latter one into my OTPs (all instructions always point to publicKeyhash.bin - never the correct file name). My bad.

When I now try to upload new signed images onto the emmc, the process outputs:


NOTICE: Bootrom authentication failed
NOTICE: BL2: v2.8-stm32mp1-r1.0(release):lts-v2.8.6-dirty(ff0bd5f9)
NOTICE: BL2: Built : 17:57:15, Apr 21 2023
ERROR: BL2: Failed to load image id 1 (-80)


Authentication in boot ROM fails as expected. That's okay. But from the last line I think loading of the fip image also fails.
Page [2] says "The process ends with error authentication error -80 in case of incorrect provisioning.".
Does this mean the boot process or the validation process? Should the board boot or should it (just like the boot ROM) print a warning and continue?

It's not really clear to me what my problem is here. Will everything be solved when I risk flashing the OTPs on a second board. Or might I have another problem in the generation of the fip image (which I should fix before potentially bricking a second board).


ST Employee

Hello Daniel,

Could you please read the OTP (in Uboot: fuse read 0 0 96) to check if the chip is locked?

I don't think your chip is locked because you would be stuck on line 1 (NOTICE: Bootrom authentication failed) if the SSP is set up correctly. The boot process continued despite the validation failure, which suggests that your chip is not locked.

Hello Febus,

thanks for the answer. I cannot test it at the moment and will do it later.
At least I did not lock the device on purpose (never typed stm32key close in uboot). Uploading unsigned images worked fine - they booted up as before, without a warning/notification/error.


In the mean time I got curious and took a second board. This time I uploaded publicKeyHash00.bin into the OTPs and this seems to do the trick:

NOTICE: Bootrom authentication succeeded
NOTICE: BL2: v2.8-stm32mp1-r1.0(release):lts-v2.8.6-dirty(ff0bd5f9)
NOTICE: BL2: Built : 17:57:15, Apr 21 2023
NOTICE: BL2: Booting BL32
I/TC: Early console on UART#1

Signed and unsigned images boot correctly now.