2021-02-16 1:25 AM
I created a very simple module and placed it in /lib/modules/4.19.94/kernel/drivers.And do depmod -ae.
And I confirmed that probe is possible with modprobe <driver name>.
I expected this driver to load automatically after a reboot, but it didn't.
This driver and device tree have the same compatible node.
This can be confirmed by the fact that the port declared in devicetree is being operated correctly by modprobe.
Could you tell me what is likely to be wrong?
My device tree
foo_peripheral_pins: foo_peripheral-0 {
pins1 {
pinmux = <STM32_PINMUX('F', 2, GPIO)>;
foo_peripheral {
compatible = "factory,fooperipheral";
status = "okay";
pinctrl-names = "default";
pinctrl-0 = <&foo_peripheral_pins>;