2020-03-06 11:20 PM
I made linux configuration by virtualbox.
and I did copy to board kernel file by ssh(scp command).
now I am testing M4 firmware .
I can't connect consol using ssh by STM32CUBEIDE. (7.stard debug session)
157C-DK2 board's ip (ifconfig)
my linux in vitual box ip (ifconfig)
Debug configration -> Dubugger -> Inet Address :
but it is not working.
I don't know why it's not working. beause I already used ssh when i downloaded kernal image.
let me know how to solve the issue.
2020-03-09 2:16 AM
Hi @bkwak
Could please details what you did for "copy to board kernel file by ssh(scp command)."
And if you have checked your target is sill properly booting/working afterward.
Then if ok, what's the status given by the serial target widget ( bottom right of the screen)
2020-03-11 2:20 AM
Hi bkwak,
Did you had to configure any proxy settings in STM32CubeIDE?
If yes you have to bypass the local network on which the DK2 is connected from the Network Connections preference page.
Otherwise it tries to connect the address through the proxy, which obviously can't work.
2020-03-17 11:45 AM
The progress bar is stuck at 85% and then M4 is stuck in the vector interrupt table and the firmware is not copied on the target .
Solution is that CubeIDE bypass the proxy.
For this :
1/ go in preferences In network connection settings
2/Select "manual" in Active Provide tick box
3/add board address ( in byPass Proxy window.