2020-08-25 8:53 AM
Hy, I'm following all the wiki on stm32MP1-DK2 ,
I wan't to install PPP on it but like other things (htop for example) seems to be not available,
maybe a stupid question but an answer will be appreciated,
this is the log:
apt-get install ppp
reading package list ... done
building dependency tree...done
E: unable to locate package ppp
2020-08-25 11:56 PM
When using Yocto (Distribution Package), you build (bitbake) additional packages yourself. You may check http://layers.openembedded.org/layerindex/branch/master/recipes/ to find the appropriate recipe, sometimes the recipe name differs. Sometimes you have to add additional layer(s) to bblayers.conf. Finally, you may add your favorite recipes to the image recipe, or to local.conf, or create your own layer depending on your project.
2021-02-01 9:49 PM
Hi...@EtAntonio EtAntonio
I'm facing the same problem here
I have downloaded the recipes packages but, I'm little new with Yocto
Can you mention the steps to add the recipe in to the packages ?
I guess it's need to be on STM32 Wiki page
can you please printout me