2019-09-16 8:19 AM
There are no repos defined in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
I can't seem to use apt-get to install git or nano or anything....
2019-09-17 6:13 AM
Hi @JSlac
Package installation with apt-get is not supported by default in our distribution.
You can use Yocto build system to add any extra packages.
Anyway, we are close to provide a "tip" to add apt-get support.
Keep you posted here soon.
2019-09-17 6:19 AM
Thanks Oliver,
if I can help test this tip, I'd be delighted. I have to go tell my superiors that I can't show them a demo on this board without getting to know Yocto and adding what we need to a layer.
2019-09-19 2:01 AM
Hi @JSlac
Sorry, I was wrong when I commit to provide a "tip" solution for apt-get.
We can not provide it. My mistake and apology for that.
If you detail what package you would like to add Community may help you to quickly point what to do with Yocto ?
Else you can consider to switch to "buildroot" as per introduce by our partner :
Hope it help
2021-07-27 5:09 AM
I think we can create a seperate mysources.list file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ folder.
But doing apt-get update results in GPG error. I have opened a separate post to discuss it.