2025-01-10 07:45 AM
I've followed the READMEs for the installation of the dev package, source, and kernel and generated a build folder for the kernel as suggested at
In the build folder I see folders include, scripts, a link to source as well as files Makefile, .config .config.old, and .gitignore. When I run
make ${IMAGE_KERNEL} vmlinux dtbs LOADADDR=0xC2000040 O="${OUTPUT_BUILD_DIR}"
I get
make[1]: *** No rule to make target 'Image.gz'. Stop.
make: *** [/home/lelory/st/stm32mp2-openstlinux-6.6-yocto-scarthgap-mpu-v24.11.06/sdk/Developer-Package/stm32mp2-openstlinux-6.6-yocto-scarthgap-mpu-v24.11.06/sources/aarch64-ostl-linux/linux-stm32mp-6.6.48-stm32mp-r1-r0/linux-6.6.48/Makefile:234: __sub-make] Error 2
What am I doing wrong?
2025-01-10 09:11 AM
did the SDK correctly installed and the environment sourced ?