2024-07-29 7:04 AM
Would it be possible to have an updated guide on how to use a custom device tree within my own layer for STM32MP1 Ecosystem 5.1.0?
The one provided here https://wiki.st.com/stm32mpu/wiki/How_to_compile_the_device_tree_with_the_Distribution_Package#Associate_EULA_with_the_new_demo_machine is clearly outdated, as the Yocto delivery mentionned in the exemple is Kirkstone (should be now Mickledore) and the step :
Is impossible to do, as the variable STM32MP_MX_BASE does not exist in 5.1.0 machine configurations.
In the meanwhile, any ideas of how to implement this solution for release 5.1.0? I'm currently using this solution https://wiki.st.com/stm32mpu/wiki/How_to_create_your_own_machine but that is not the way I would like to work in the long term.