2021-09-08 3:17 AM
I have an issue while building the Distribution Package. I have created a new layer and tried to add different programs with CORE_IMAGE_BASE_INSTALL_append. I have succeeded to add programs like python3, wvdial, etc. I also want to add nano and networkmanager but I get these errors:
2021-09-08 4:49 AM
Hi @Community member
The errors you got mean there are some discrepancies between the expected checksums of the licenses and the ones retrieved from the sources.
Check that the values of LIC_FILES_CHKSUM in each recipe corresponds to the values you get from the code source you download.
Best regards,
2021-09-08 6:22 AM
I understand that. I haven't made any changes to the file that is mentioned in the error-log. I have tried to change the checksum to the suggested one but it still doesn't work.
This is what I have done:
I changed the LIC_FILE_CHKSUM in /Distribution_Package/openstlinux-5.10-dunfell-mp1-21-03-31/layers/openembedded-core/meta/recipes-devtools/file/file_5.38.bb line 9, from md5=0251eaec1188b20d9a72c502ecfdda1b to md5=5fa2cfe7ebf1fac0d01bc54cbf56a6a4
I attach a screenshot of the error.
2021-09-08 6:56 AM
Hi @Community member
Hum, that's strange. Could you revert your changes to the LIC_FILES_CHKSUM and then run the commands to clean the bitbake cache please?
$ bitbake -c cleansstate file
$ bitbake -c cleansstate libndp
Then, re-launch the commands:
$ bitbake file
$ bitbake libndp
Best regards,
2021-09-09 1:59 AM
Unfortunately, it didn't work. I did the cleansstate first and took screenshots of the errors while trying to bitbake file and libndp:Best regards,
2021-09-09 3:04 AM
Hi @Community member
I just clone the GIT repository of file and it gives me the expected checksum. Could you check your recipe file_5.38.bb in layers/openembedded-core/meta/recipes-devtools/file shows the line
SRCREV = "ec41083645689a787cdd00cb3b5bf578aa79e46c"
Same thing for the GIT repository of libndp: it gives me the expected checksum. So could you check your recipe libndp_1.7.bb in layers/openembedded-core/meta/recipes-connectivity/libndp shows the line
SRCREV = "96674e7d4f4d569c2c961e865cc16152dfab5f09"
If yes in both cases, it may be a problem with the downloaded packages. From your home directory, go to the directory Public/oe-downloads/git2 and remove the entries related to file and libndp. That should be the commands
$ cd ~/Public/oe-downloads/git2
$ rm -rf github.com.file.file.git* github.com.jpirko.libndp*
Then, replay the bitbake commands to build file and libndp
Best regards,
edit : remove spurious line after my signature
2021-09-09 6:01 AM
Hi @Jean-Marc B
The recipe file_5.38.bb shows the expected line.
I don't have a libndp folder in the openembedded-core layer. I found the recipe libndp_1.7.bb in layers/meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-connectivity/libndp. That file includes the SRCREV line.
However, I don't have the oe-downloads folder on my computer. I do have the git2 folder but it's located in /home/osboxes/Distribution_Package/openstlinux-5.10-dunfell-mp1-21-03-31/build-openstlinuxeglfs-stm32mp1/downloads/git2
Do you want me to remove the entries related to file and libndp from that folder instead?
Best regards,
2021-09-09 6:57 AM
@Community member
I am sorry for the approximation.
About the git2 folder, yes, remove the entries related to file and libndp (one directory and one *.done file for each).
Best regards,
2021-09-16 4:35 AM
Hi again,
Unfortunately, I get the same errors again. It didn't solve the problem.
Best regards,
2021-09-19 11:38 PM
Hi @Community member
Except making a new attempt from scratch, I don't know how to fix these errors.
Could you make a new attempt with the original environment and check the errors are not here? Then add sequentially your changes and make a test for each change? So we could check when these errors appear.
Best regards,