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Contact for academia


Hi there. I'm a professor of computer science at a university in Germany. Our main focus is cyber security. I'm currently looking into exploring options with STM for teaching various security mechanisms and, in particular, interested in using the STM32MP157F-DK2 in classrooms. However, I failed to find any information of how to establish an official contact to STM to discuss various details. If someone could help me out, it'd be greatly appreciated. Thanks a bunch! Regards, JB


Probably your local sales office, but being Europe and August probably no one around.

LinkedIn might give some idea who's in your immediate orbit.

@Jocelyn RICARD​ 

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ST Employee

Welcome, @Community member​, to the community!

Thank you for your enquiry. I'll get back to you on this via PM in a moment to provide some more information.



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