2021-02-18 10:31 AM
I use STM32MP157C-DK2 with the last open st linux distribution (20-11-12).
I try to enbale CAN network on microcontroller but I can't send message.
I m sure of my code on microcontroller side because it's work fine with an other distribution.
I change dts and dtsi file to enable can pin mapping but without success .
What can I try ?
2021-02-19 2:49 AM
Hi @ABous.1 ,
There's a know limitation regarding M-CAN as listed here :
Please check if it's not the root cause of your issue
2021-02-19 9:08 AM
Thanks for your answer.
I did the following tests :
-Without sleep mode pin and without the patch
-with sleep mode pin and with the patch
-with sleep mode pin and without the patch
But without success.
I noticed multiple reference to pin A 11 and A12 (my fdcan pins) in stm32mp15-pinctrl.dtsi.
I mean this pins are also use for i2c5.
Should I comment i2C5 or other peripheral ?
2021-02-23 3:34 AM
I tried to comment all multiples references to pin A11 and A12 but without result.
Have you an dts file exemple with CAN that I could try on my board ?
PS : (I try to generate DTS with CubeMX but without any effect on my kernel)