2023-10-30 1:19 AM
Setting SIGN_KEY_stm32mp15 leads to an error
As described here: https://wiki.st.com/stm32mpu/wiki/How_to_perform_Secure_Boot_from_Distribution_package
Set and adapt these variables:
echo 'SIGN_KEY = "key/stm32mp15/privateKey.pem" ' >> conf/local.conf echo 'SIGN_KEY_stm32mp15 = "key/stm32mp15/privateKey.pem" ' >> conf/local.conf echo 'EXTERNAL_KEY_CONF = "1" ' >> conf/local.conf echo 'SIGN_KEY_PASS = "<password of signature key>" ' >> conf/local.conf echo 'SIGN_ENABLE = "1" ' >> conf/local.conf echo 'SIGN_TOOL = "<path to STM32MP_SigningTool tools>" ' >> conf/local.conf
DISTRO=openstlinux-weston MACHINE=stm32mp15-eval source layers/meta-st/scripts/envsetup.sh
bitbake st-image-core
ERROR: /st/layers/meta-st/meta-st-stm32mp/recipes-bsp/trusted-firmware-a/tf-a-stm32mp_2.8.bb: [sign-stm32mp] 1 Please make sure to configure "SIGN_KEY_stm32mp13" var to key file.
ERROR: Parsing halted due to errors, see error messages above
It falsely tries to use STM32mp13.
Any ideas?
2023-10-31 5:24 AM
Hello @HLee.21 ,
This is something we already faced in the past and I am surprised to see it again on this release. Maybe we missed something at integration step. Thanx for rising this, I will enter an internal ticket to check the point. As a workaround, you can declare the SIGN_KEY_stm32mp13 variable with a key that will not be used in your build. TF-A is just trying to compile for both MP15 and MP13 platforms, but it will not have an impact on your final build.
Sorry for that.