2021-09-20 9:19 AM
I'm trying to set-up a BLE GATT service and I'm struggling with the fact of the MAC address being the same for all the STM32MP1 devices.
When I run the hcitool dev this is what I get:
root@stm32mp1:~# hcitool dev
hci0 43:43:A1:12:1F:AC
Please help
2021-09-20 10:31 AM
Probably because an allocation costs money.
For test purposes make sure each within your experiment is unique
2021-09-21 1:41 AM
Thank you for the reply.
However, I'm not understanding your answer. Are you saying that these MP1 processors don't have an allocated BLE MAC address?
I thought this was an issue with the bluez library as referred here: https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=191534.
How can I have multiple devices running at the same time with this non-unique MAC address?