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A callback() for GPIO in the A7-core on the Linux side of the STM32MP157F

Associate II


I'm working with STM32MP1-DK2. I want to run a project on it.

I need to implement a callback function in the A7-core (Linux side) to read a pin whenever a signal comes in (on the rising or falling edges).

Actually, I need to have a callback() function to read the incoming signal and do something after that. I don't know how to implement the callback() for a pin from a GPIO port for my STM32MP157F. I would be grateful if you could give me a hand with it. 



ST Employee

Hello @Community member​ ,

If you want to use this kind of feature at user space level, in your own application, I advise you to take a look at libgpiod (version 1.6) that is delivered with our OSTL-4.0. This library provides different features for GPIO read/write, and your use case should be possible with it, regarding the code of the library.

FYI, I put you here the link to the library git:

When you will cross compile your application, do not forget to link the library.

I hope this information will help you.

Kind regards,


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Associate II

Hello @Erwan SZYMANSKI​ 

Thank you for your response.

I used the library you told me about and linked it with my project. It is working, but the problem that I have is that I need the lowest delay when I send a request to A7, and receive a response from it. This delay is like 10-us when I use traditional gpio.h library. When I replace it with libgpiod, it increases dramatically and becomes roughly 100 us! (ten times bigger). Secondly, they all are pooling types. I need something like a callback() in the user space rather than a pooling procedure or a thread which takes a considerable amount of resources. Do you have any ideas to solve this issue? or should I bring M4 to the game too? If I use M4 to receive the event, what is the fastest method to deliver this event to A7? (shared memory and virtual serial port are still prone to unacceptable delays lol).