2016-05-05 04:35 AM
It is a pity that ST hasn't released anything to program these memories under Linux, so I have developed a little utility to program STM32F7-discovery's QSPI Flash Memory.
You can find it on my git repo:I hope you find it useful. #stm32f7-discovery-kit #qspi #linux2017-01-24 05:04 AM
This link seems deprecated.
2017-01-31 12:52 AM
,2017-01-31 10:01 AM
Sorry for the inconvenience! The website appears to be down due to maintenance. Anyway, you can get it through this alternative link:
Thanks for the feedback on the application note, Khouloud.
Javier Alvarez
2017-04-02 07:15 PM
Thank you for posting this. I don't know anything about QSPI Flash and your code has helped me move forward. I have an STM32F769I-Discovery board and I am now able to go from micro SD card to on-board SDRAM and from there, into the Quad SPI Flash. When I try to write a second time, it screws up things, and I think it is because I am not doing an erase first.