2013-08-21 3:07 AM
Dear forum members please help me....
I want to programme my STM32F3 Discovery board using external St-link v2 programmer ,which pin of programmer should i connect with stm32f3 board. Thank you in advance. I know that stm32f3 has built in programmer ,but i don't want to use them for some reason... #stm32 #stm32 #linux #linux #debugger #debugging #debugging #debug-stm32-using-st-link/v2 #stm32-discovery2013-08-21 4:40 AM
Then your going to need to inject SWCLK and SWDIO via the F3 side of CN4, break the SB links related to NRST (SB11) and perhaps PB3(SWO), you'll need a common ground, and an external supply as this normally comes from the USB/ST-LINK connection2013-08-21 12:25 PM
hi clive1
Is this what you mean:As this is what i want to implement in stm32f3.Thank you for your quick response2013-08-21 1:35 PM
I stated what I meant, the video has no commentary or diagram, so who knows?
You're compelled to do this why? Review the schematic/user manual for the STM32F3-Discovery for connectivity details on the various pins and connectors.2013-08-21 5:32 PM
<img='https://my.st.com/public/STe2ecommunities/mcu/Lists/STM32Discovery/Attachments/7250/f3disco_swd.png' /> Damn this Microsoft SharePoint forum royally *****... ________________ Attachments : f3disco_swd.png : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006Hzpt&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bQB%2F_XEOWxa1XMVl3.nxVcu7vFEwSaXC43FUkbZ6P8as1eY&asPdf=false2013-08-21 10:23 PM
Dear clive1
You are a great person I must say ...I understood that diagram you posted .....Now performing same .......I wanted to do this with external st-link programmer because ,when I was programming using gnu-arm tools in linux ; openocd was giving following error:cannot set speed ,this adapter does not support variable speed.2013-08-22 9:21 AM
I've run into that error msg myself. Problem was USB drivers. Took hours of cursing to get it working.
For example on Windows, STM32VL-Discovery has a St-Link v1 and needs WINUSB drivers. I fixed those with ZADIG. For Linux no idea. My STM32F3-Discovery worked fine with OpenOCD on Ubuntu.2013-08-22 2:13 PM
Hi lewis.....
How did you install openocd in Ubuntu????Maybe i must have not installed it properly....Please specify installation instructions and terminal command you used in openocd.2013-08-23 9:49 AM
Hi clive1.............
It seams i am complete noob in this matter. It would me easier for me to understand if you can explain me stm32discovery board connections with external st-link programmer. I tried those connection diagram ,but all was in vain.2013-08-23 10:02 AM
I'm rather busy with my own problems to be writing a tutorial for this.
I have identified the pins on the STM32F3-Discovery board that are critical, you need to connect those to the corresponding pins on the ST-LINK. You need to remove the CN4 jumpers to break the connectivity there. You'd want to look at some of the other solder bridges too, mainly for NRST. Get the User Manual and review the schematics. You can check the functionality/connectivity in Windows using the ST-LINK utilities. I'm honestly not sure how connecting an external ST-LINK will function materially differently from the on-board one with current firmware?