2024-11-11 9:55 PM - edited 2024-11-11 9:57 PM
Hi ,
I am trying flash the Starter Package of Krikstone and Dunfell branch, but unsuccessful, but the starter package of Mickledore branch successfully flash on sd-card.
Note: Mainly Error on Bootfs partition , and got the segmentation fault.
SD Card -- 16 GB
2024-11-11 11:18 PM
Did you flash on target using STM32CubeProg ?
Did you use the official Starter Package or a rebuilt version on your own ?
I remind:
Did you try using "FlashLayout_board_stm32mp157f-dk2-deleteall.tsv" before flashing another Starter Package ?
What is the rationale to go back to Dunfell (as Kirkstone is LTS) ?
Could you share the board UART console log during flashing ?
2024-11-12 12:59 AM - edited 2024-11-12 1:06 AM
Hi @PatrickF
Did you flash on target using STM32CubeProg ? yes
Did you use the official Starter Package or a rebuilt version on your own ? Official starter Package as well as Krikstone branch( i changes many thing on distribution package adding third party layers, Compilation successful , but flash errors), so i decided first use the Starter Package, but flash error.
list of the official Starter package that i want to use
md@pc:~/Workspace/Starter_Pack$ ls
Did you try using "FlashLayout_board_stm32mp157f-dk2-deleteall.tsv" before flashing another Starter Package ? Yes i attached the log for deleteall.tsv and again flash (Optee)
Krikstone LTS branch i want to use on my project , but i got the error on flashing time, i thought i should check the dunfell branch, unfortunately both are not working. Some 3rt party layers are not supporting Mickledore branch. that's why i want to use krikstone branch.
Could you share the board UART console log during flashing? I attached the log while flashing time as well as deleting TSV log.
Note: I changed the SD-Card , but i got the same error.
2024-11-12 1:25 AM
apart the supply warning message (which could be ignored if your supply is really 3A but advertising wrongly as Type-C due to cable or else), I did not see issue.
Did you flash using Virtual Machine ?
If yes, could you try with Windows CubeProgrammer ?
Sound very strange that some Starter Package are flashing ok on STM32MP157F-DK2 board while some other not. On our side, we regularly Flash various Starter Package releases on various ST boards without any issues.
2024-11-12 3:39 AM - edited 2024-11-12 3:49 AM
Hi @PatrickF
I used the 22.5 W power adopter and output is 5V->3A, // 9v->2.5A, i think this is not an issue , i am working on stm32mp157f-dk2 form the last 5 months, with this adaptor mostly I used Mickledore branch, i saw the warning of Type C 3 A but works fine. i cross-check with another adopter. but same result.
No i am not using Vertual machine. i am using ubuntu 22.04.
I try with another laptop "ubuntu 22.04" as well as i try with windows cube_programmer , but the result is same.
I purchased new SD-card , but unsuccessful,
Note: but Mickledore branch package is working fine and flashed. but why this is happen with krickstone branch.
many time i tried but it fails some in int TF-A , some time in bootfs partition.
did you check the krikstone branch from your side ?