2020-05-02 5:16 AM
STM32MP157DAB1, WINBOND QSPI memory attached to default pins.
How to program first stage bootloader trough DFU mode? Boot pins=000
STM32CuneProgrammer says:
15:11:45:986 : failed to read the requested memory content
15:11:46:788 : failed to read the requested memory content
15:11:47:790 : failed to read the requested memory content
and nothing able to download.
Memory work fine, If I use external SPI FLSH programmer - any diagnostics work well, JEDEC commands (Serial Flash Discoverable Parameters (SFDP), for Serial NOR Flash) to memory pass and get all properties.
MPU boot process from SPI memory well done (if boot pins = 001).
Then I open my fsbl.stm32, message box about Partition ID appear at download phase, Where I should specify this ID?
2020-05-04 1:17 AM
did uBoot 'see' your QSPI Flash ? All Flash programming with CubeProgrammer are done using uBoot.
Just keep the two first lines of your .tsv file (TF-A and uBoot), then, using the UART console, you have to press a key (at right time) to get uBoot prompt. Then you can try uBoot commands which can read/write the Flash.
2020-05-04 1:47 AM
How to load u-boot image in to QSPI? Can I done this trough CubeProgrammer?
2020-05-04 2:22 AM
flow with CubeProgrammer is the following (two first lines of the .tsv file):
then, uBoot started and used to communicate with CubeProgrammer to program the Flash, usually you have the following lines in the .tsv
see https://wiki.st.com/stm32mpu/wiki/STM32CubeProgrammer_flashlayout#Typical_FlashLayout_file