2019-11-29 06:30 AM
Hello, I received the STM32MP1 discovery kit and I started to use it.
I installed SDK and I compiled successfully some hello world applications.
Now, I would like to build some extra libraries to add, or in the future I may want to rebuild existing ones with newer versions.
These packages are typically distributed with a configure script made with autotools, or with CMake build scripts, or with other less widespread tools.
I would like to know what are the options to be used for correct integration with SDK and inside the OpenSTLinux distribution.
For example, with autotools you may need to set options like "--bindir", "--includedir", etc, or CMake needs to receive the right information from an external file assigned to the CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE macro.
After that, you usually build with "make" and "make install" and you did the job.
What are the recommended options for expanding SDK?
Thank you very much for your time.
2019-12-03 12:37 AM
Hi @CBram.1776
Extension/customization of SDK and Distribution can be made through Yocto.
Guess you can find useful information under wiki user guide https://wiki.st.com/stm32mpu
For example :
Does it answer your question ?