2021-05-14 7:01 AM
I am going through building the base Android Distro for use in the STM32MP1 Discovery board, when I go to call the disco i.e. lunch aosp_disco-eng I get the error listed in the question.
When I call lunch aosp_eval-eng then I get no error and we begin building. Do I need to custom generate a make file for the discovery board of the STM32MP1? Or am I forgetting to download a file?
Best regards and thank you for assisting with this!
2021-05-17 12:29 AM
Hi Oscar,
ST-Android delivery only support STM32MP157C-EV1 and STM32MP157F-EV1 Evaluation board (aosp_eval).
The STM32MP157x-DK2 board (aosp_disco) is not supported because we think that its hardware configuration is not appropriate for an acceptable user experience.
Nevertheless, we can deliver on demand by email sources and directives adapted to the st-android-10.0.0-2020-02-21 delivery (Android 10). If you want to adapt it to Android 11 delivery, you'll have to adapt these sources yourself.
Additionally, this solution is just a first integration, not fully validated and clearly not optimized.
2021-05-17 5:31 AM
I would like to request that the 10.0 solution for the STM32MP157x-DK2 board be sent over to my email...oscar@airesmedical.com
I am OK with having to adapt and optimize it myself.
Thank you and best regards,