2024-05-13 2:42 AM
Hello, I'm planning to create a new board using the STM32MP157FAC.
I've referenced the circuit diagrams of both the Discovery board and the development board to design the PCB and assemble the components.
I've successfully connected the power chip, STPMIC, and confirmed the output voltages of 5V, 3.3V, and 1.8V.
The starter package provided by ST isn't functioning when using the SD card.
I'm aiming to run only the A7 on the PCB I've built. Could you tell me if there's any mistake in the circuit or if there's a separate upload process needed?
2024-05-13 3:01 AM
HI @LeeJaewon
you probably need to adapt the binaries contents to your HW (using a custom Device Tree). There is low chance to run the ST starter package tailored to our boards on a custom board (unless you are using exactly same HW).
Please have a look to https://community.st.com/t5/stm32-mpus/stm32mp1-bring-up-troubleshooting-guide/ta-p/49272
Any messages shown on the serial console ?
Did you tested DDR correct behavior using DDRFW-UTIL ?
Did you try upload the starter package using CubeProgrammer connected to USB OTG ?
2024-05-13 6:25 PM
I've created a circuit to match the Discovery board, driving only A7. I've attached STM32MP157, an SDCARD reader, STPMIC, and DDR3. Are there any additional components I need?
2024-05-14 4:55 AM
Did you look at AN5031 ?
Please share UART4 console messages.
If no messages, please check PA13 behavior (need a pull-up). https://wiki.st.com/stm32mpu/wiki/How_to_diagnose_a_boot_failure
check Boot Trace dump https://wiki.st.com/stm32mpu/wiki/STM32_MPU_ROM_trace_analyzer#ROM_trace_analysis_procedure
Quick looking to your schematics
- mixup on HSE crystal connections and component values (btw, our board and starter package uses oscillator, so you need to tailor the binaries to your HW). Remove R303 and R302. Put much lower capacitor (see AN2867)
2024-05-22 2:08 AM
I used a crystal to change to oscillation and confirmed the 24Mhz output, and also confirmed the PA13 output at 1.98V.
I think I need to check if the ROM is working. How can I check this?
2024-05-22 2:16 AM
If you use a crystal instead of oscillator (expected by the Starter Package), it will not work until you adapt you Device Tree (will crash in TF-A). But you should at least get some UART traces.
PA13 at 1.98V seems strange as with STPMIC1A you should have VDD=3.3V. Maybe PA13 it is toggling (5kHz is BOOT pin set in Development boot, 5Hz is boot fallback to serial UART/USB boot).
Please check my previous post to get BootROM trace.
Btw, in your schematics, I did not locate the 10nF mandatory capacitor on STM32MP15 NRST pin.
2024-05-22 7:25 PM
If you look at the circuit diagram, there is 10nF in C115 at the reset pin.
Let's insert VDD directly into the PA13 pin. thank you
2024-05-23 1:00 AM
ok for C115, I overlooked it.
Maybe I misunderstand, but you must not put VDD on PA13 (it is an output when boot fail), otherwise you might burn the IO.
Did the BootROM trace dump give you some help ?
2024-05-27 1:11 AM
Oh Yes. I need help BootROM.