2024-07-23 4:00 AM
I have stm32mp135f-dk board and OV6540 camera how can I connect them
2024-07-31 2:04 PM - edited 2024-07-31 2:04 PM
Hello @kagan_senkeser,
You need to change the device tree of stm32mp135f-dk board in the Linux kernel : https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/linux/blob/4c4175804a542f40c50d091cc694bb0b186728a0/arch/arm/boot/dts/stm32mp135f-dk.dts#L4
Please modify the i2c5 node :
gc2145: gc2145@3c {
compatible = "galaxycore,gc2145";
reg = <0x3c>;
clocks = <&clk_ext_camera>;
IOVDD-supply = <&scmi_v3v3_sw>;
AVDD-supply = <&scmi_v3v3_sw>;
DVDD-supply = <&scmi_v3v3_sw>;
powerdown-gpios = <&mcp23017 3 (GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW | GPIO_PUSH_PULL)>;
reset-gpios = <&mcp23017 4 (GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW | GPIO_PUSH_PULL)>;
status = "disabled";
port {
gc2145_ep: endpoint {
/*remote-endpoint = <&mipid02_0>;*/
clock-lanes = <0>;
data-lanes = <1 2>;
ov5640: camera@3c {
compatible = "ovti,ov5640";
reg = <0x3c>;
clocks = <&clk_ext_camera>;
clock-names = "xclk";
DOVDD-supply = <&scmi_v3v3_sw>;
status = "okay";
powerdown-gpios = <&mcp23017 3 (GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW | GPIO_PUSH_PULL)>;
reset-gpios = <&mcp23017 4 (GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW | GPIO_PUSH_PULL)>;
port {
ov5640_0: endpoint {
remote-endpoint = <&mipid02_0>;
clock-lanes = <0>;
data-lanes = <1 2>;
Do not hesitate to follow wiki information for configuration and other steps to do : https://wiki.st.com/stm32mpu/wiki/STM32MP13_V4L2_camera_overview
Kind regards,
2024-07-31 9:58 PM
Hello thank you but I mean the physical part because camera has pins. not camera cable socket like gc2145.
2024-07-31 10:51 PM
Hello @kagan_senkeser ,
Do you have a link or a photo of the camera you use ?
Kind regards,
2024-07-31 10:58 PM
2024-07-31 11:00 PM
2024-07-31 11:11 PM
@kagan_senkeser ,
I do not remember having the same camera module on my side. However, I guess that the white connector in the middle can be used as CSI connector, right?
If yes, you need to connect the camera CSI connector to CSI connector of STM32MP135F-DK board. To find the CSI connector, please refer to the user manual of the board. It is a black connector (CN1) at the bottom face of the board.
Kind regards,
2024-07-31 11:27 PM
I'm not sure is it CSI but our gc2145 cable does not fit there.
2024-08-01 7:50 AM
@kagan_senkeser ,
Maybe you have to find the right flat cable that will fit with both connectors. However your first need to be sure that the connector on the camera is a CSI one.
Please try to get the information on the vendor website.
Kind regards,
2024-09-05 6:36 AM - edited 2024-09-05 6:36 AM
I have a similar same board that came with an ST based board but never go to use it. The waveshare link May have more info. Such board use I2C (SCCB) to control and DCMI or DVP to get the pixel data and often used with FPGAs. It's is popular used with M4/M7 boards. Not sure how or if it can be used with the A7 or M4 on STM32MP lines. Perhaps with SPI and DMA, but there is VSYNC and HSYNC /