STM32 MPUs Boards and hardware tools

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Forum Posts

JTAG debugger in stm32mp1

Hi , i have the custom board of (STM32mp157F-dk2), all the things are same but the ST-Link channel removed and many thing changes  has done , there is added JTAG pin in place of ST-link port , so in Openstlinux distribution package any modification s...

Resolved! Running DDR_Init on STM32MP135F-DK board

Hi all,i'm trying to run the DDR_Init project as my first project on STM32MP135F-DK board.I loaded the project on CDT Eclipse IDE and added some configurations: the build is ok.I report the main.c compiler command line as example:Building file: C:/Pr...

SteMMo by Associate III
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STM32MP157F GRUB boot command line

I would like to only use cgroup v2 and would like to modify the kernel cmdline boot arguments as follows:, .  I searched internet and suggestion is to useadd systemd. unified_cgroup_hierarchy=1 under /etc/default/grub , followed by sudo update-grub ....

pme991 by Associate II
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Resolved! EMMC device 0 not found

i try to flash starter package to our mmc but the error is found i done step by stepin botton text i bold the error please check it once and help me out why this is happend.     10:55:11 : UR connection mode is defined with the HWrst reset mode10:55:...