2021-07-22 11:34 AM
i would like to modify the start_up_demo_launcher.sh script as well as the weston.ini file so that my application is started instead of the STM demo application. i would then like to add these files to my own distribution package so that i can flash the eval board w/ it.
can someone tell me where i can find these files in an STM download package so that i can build my own image to flash?
2021-07-23 01:09 AM
Hi @vbuon.1 ,
Thanks for your post and welcome in MP1 world !
As with many other questions answer is already in our wiki documentation ;)
see https://wiki.st.com/stm32mpu/wiki/GTK_demo_launcher
Hope it help
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2021-07-23 08:17 AM
hi olivier,
thank you for you response. however, my question was not about how to add to my application to the demo launcher but how to replace it w/ my own. i would like to remove all of the components that make up the demonstration application and put in my own application. is there an article that describes how i can setup my own autolaunch scripts that i can deploy to the A7? i would like to be able to create my own start_up_demo_launcher.sh and my own weston.ini file.
2021-07-26 09:41 AM
Hi @vbuon.1 ,
Sorry, reply to fast and was confused by your title.
Did you get and are you familiar with Yoco distribution package ?
Once Distribution installed please look :
-> adding the package-group st-demo to its configuration
-> asking for recipe demo-launcher to be execute
-> recipe for demo-launcher
-> weston.ini customization to call demo-launcher script at start.
So the basic approach would be to create a customize image following the model of "st-image-weston" replacing demo-launcher by your own application.
Following links can give useful pointers :
Hope it help,