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Hi , I have created Stm32 project using STM32CubeIDE , Now I need to integrate my Cortex-M4 firmware with Cortex-A7 and load into Cortex-M4 in bootup.

Associate III

so how can I add into the linux distribution so that firmware will build and load along with linux and load in bootup

FYI : Iam using Yocto for building

Principal III

Check the wiki:

The " Remote processor boot through sysfs" process can be easily automated to run after boot.

Hi @KnarfB​  Thanks for reply

Actually Im trying to integrate the firmware we have developed using STM32CubeIDE into our distribution on yocto.

I have tried to copy the CM4 folder generated in STM32CubeIDE into path: /STM32MP157C-DK2/Applications/my_project_name/STM32CubeIDE/

and i have added project location in /DistributionPackage/openstlinux-5.10-dunfell-mp1-21-03-31/layers/meta-st/meta-st-stm32mp/recipes-extended/m4projects/ file

but iam getting parsing error while building .

can you please help me

What's the parsing error ?

Sorry i am unable to capture the error, But

Is the above steps followed is correct or do i need to change ?