2021-08-09 10:52 PM
I copied the STM32CubeIDE project into PATH: openstlinux-5.10-dunfell-mp1-21-03-31/layers/sources/m4projects-stm32mp1/Projects/STM32MP1
Added projects path in recipes-extended/m4projects/m4projects-stm32mp1.bb
But i find that file structure for examples is different from the file structure of STM32CubeIDE project
2021-08-27 08:30 AM
Hi @Maksh.1 ,
Sorry for late reply.
Did you manage to find a solution ? Where do you stand ?
Yes, exemple may use slightly different file structure vs STM32CubeIDE generated project but what is exactly the issue in Yocto ?
Can you elaborate ? Any build log to share ?