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Why can't I download STM32CubeWB?


STM32CubeWB is the firmware package of the stm32wb series.when i clicked the Get Software Button,the page jumped to the home page.I have logged in to my ST Account.


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Dear @诸葛�?龙 bo​ 

the issue with SW downloads should be resolved. Let me know in case you still aren't able to download the SW package you need.

View solution in original post


Dear @诸葛�?龙 bo​ 

can you provide the URL of the page where you tried to download the file?

Worked from here

but ST has a lot of cookie/browser issues. After login page refreshes and software automatically downloads.

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Hi @Community member​  we are investigating the SW download issues reported by the users

Dear @诸葛�?龙 bo​ 

the issue with SW downloads should be resolved. Let me know in case you still aren't able to download the SW package you need.

Thanks for your help.I can download it now.:D