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Where to find Lora header in packet?

Scott Dev


Im using the SUBGHz in Lora mode for communication with point to point. What I want to do is design low power communication. I plan to send the first packets from the battery node to SF12 , then the permenant connection node will detect the signal strength , then the battery node will adjust the SF value to make the battery last longer.

I assume the receiving node must be able to detect what the sending SF value is, as when I program the node for TTN, the packet received detects the SF factor. Anyone know the SUBGHz command for detecting the SF valulue?

Many Thanks



Last I checked it could only detect the preamble when the SF/BW settings where the same, but that you could use the CAD (Channel Activity Detection) to search for the preamble.

With the gateways, those have multiple channels and dozens of modulators, so can hunt for things in parallel.

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