2023-06-20 12:56 AM - edited 2023-06-20 2:01 AM
Hi All,
Currently I am working on STM32WLE5CCU6 + RAK3172 using STM32CubeIDE. So I am checking Transmitting power.
Currently I am getting transmit power of 70dmA. But I want it around 110mA. I have tried with different different macro. But it is not increasing the transmitting power.
Can anyone guide me how can I achieve that.
Note: Using RUI3 firmware given by RAK. We are able to get 110mA of transmit power. So hardware wise there is no issue at all.
2023-06-20 1:30 AM
"70dB", "110dB" sound wrong to me for transmit power. Technically, dB is a measure of relative power - e.g. "this one is 10 times that one". Absolute power could be measured in dBm, which is relative to 1mW. For LoRa, maximum transmit power might be something like +27dBm (500 mW), and on receive sensitivity could be -110dBm.
If RAK3172 is anything like Seeed LoRa E5, there will be some internal signals controlled by the stm32. These are driven by stm32 GPIO ports, which need to be configured as outputs. But the Seeed example code did things in the wrong order and those pins were never configured. (The clocks for those ports were enabled after trying to set the pins as outputs - so the setting failed).
Show us the macros you're using. If you are sending AT commands, do you get an "OK" response? Also use commands to read back the value you've set, and let us see the response. Some AT processors time-out if the entire command isn't sent within a set period (perhaps as short as a second) so you might need to copy-paste rather than typing into a terminal if that's how you send the macros.
2023-06-20 1:57 AM
Sorry my mistake. All data are in mA not in db. Actually while transmitting data my transmit power is at around 70mA. I want to transmit at 110mA. How can I do that?