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WB55 board is not appear on bluetooth list


I have a P-NUCLEO-WB55 board and i want to use it to communicate with my phone on ble. Fİrst of all, i decided to try an example to see if its works. I updated fus and then uploaded ble stack like the 11th video of STM32WB Getting Started Series

 After that i decided to try HeartRate example which is shown in 6th video STM32WB Getting Started Series

and i put a breakpoint in APPE_SysUserEvtRx() function. When i debug the code ı observed, program never goes into APPE_SysUserEvtRx(), in fact it stucks after MX_RNG_Init(); function. I made comment this function and i saw this time code stucked on MX_RF_Init(); function. Therefore i believe MX_RTC_Init(); function here causes this stucks. If i make comment the __HAL_RTC_WAKEUPTIMER_ENABLE(hrtc); macro which is in HAL_RTCEx_SetWakeUpTimer_IT() function, it doesnt stuck at init functions but when it come to MX_APPE_Init(); function, it says "Target is not responding, retrying..." then shuts down. Could you please help me?

Best regards..

Associate II


Could you solve this problem? Because I have the same issue and I don't find any solution. 

Thank you.


In my experience, the BLE doesn't start when debug mod. if you just implant code and check internal massage using USART terminal then you can see a massege like these.11.png