2020-02-24 12:59 AM
I want to use the last page of the flash memory.
The last page of the STM32WB55CG is page 255 @ 0x080F F000 - 0x080F FFFF, 4 K, Page 255
But, when I look at memory window, during run-time, I see there is nothing.
See attached pic
where is the memory?
what is wrong?
2020-02-24 2:40 AM
2020-02-24 2:47 AM
What should I need to check for exactly?
2020-02-24 3:20 AM
Check the contents of those registers and interpret these values according to the description in the RM.
2020-02-24 3:22 AM
The few last sectors of the main flash memory are protected against any direct access as it is the secure part where the Firmware Update Services (FUS code) is loaded. This code is the only one able to load the RF stack in a secure way.
Any sector above the one pointed by the SFSA option byte is not accessible.
When the RF stack is uploaded, the SFSA pointer is updated accordingly, preventing any access to this stack.
Even the Cube Programmer tool cannot access this part of the memory. When you try, it only returns 0.
2020-02-24 3:28 AM
2020-02-24 5:01 AM
2020-02-24 5:28 AM
Yes. As yo can see from sector 0xCB (should be the calue of the SFSA option byte),it is nor possible to acess sectors above where the RF stack has been loaded.
This protection is effective as soon as the chip is leaving the manufactory as it is pre-loeded with the FUS code.
2020-02-24 5:39 AM
Thank you very much