hey fellas, i'll try to do this as quickly as possible to not waste your time, but i'm at my wit's end with this thing.
i'm requesting for forgiveness since i'm sort of a noob, but i DID read every relevant documentation before posting here.
- using a custom board (relevant portion) for my uni project
- Edit: Here's the DC part of the board as well
- board was manufactured and soldered by the PCB maker by machine
- Oscillator: NX2016SA 32MHz as recommended in the reference manual, connected to OSC_IN and OSC_OUT
- debugging/writing code via SWD using STLINK-V3SET
- i'm using STM32CUBEIDE
- my clock tree
What i'm trying to do:
- I want to set up a simple LoRa p2p rx tx test.
My Symptoms:
- when subghz_phy middleware is enabled AND HSE is enabled and involved in any way with the MCU, i get stuck at stm32wlxx_hal_rcc.c (Called by SystemClock_Config), in a while loop with the condition LL_RCC_HSE_IsReady() == 0U
- if SUBGHZ_Phy is turned off, but HSE is still selected, i get a timeout error (makes sense since SUBGHZ_Phy hosts the clock itself)
What i tried:
- validated that it was soldered correctly checked the datasheet to try and find any inconsistencies
- using 2 other identical boards created in the same order
- opened numerous new project files just against bad jeebies
- made everything initialize before SystemClock_Config, just in case it had trouble setting the right trim values to the capacitors
- made sure the oscillation trim capacitors had the right value written to them
- searching every Application Note, Reference Manual, etc. mainly:
- RM0461
- UM3191
- DS13105 Rev 12
- AN5042
- following these two GitHub repositories to a T (expect using the crystal resonator option rather than TCXO where applicable)
- ditched the NX2016SA altogether and soldered a TCXO (properly) instead, changed the configuration as needed, but to no avail
- switched the usb power cable and tried different wall plugs to see if it's accidentally not getting enough juice or something
please, i beg of thee, any help would be appreciated!