2022-12-31 4:26 AM
I have a previously working app and both examples _EndNode and AT_SLAVE.
The board worked well for about 30 hours.
I could not get the other 2 examples for this board to compile and work.
After a change, neither app joins the network reliably. The gateway does not show received join request for several dozen join attempts, then may join. After the join, only 2 or 3 data packets are received before the device stops transmitting.
I have 3 B-L072Z-LORAWAN boards that work flawlessly from nearby locations (10-50m)
I have checked all the join keys etc. The fact that the board does join on occasion shows that these are correct.
It looks like the device is stuck in a transmitter off, wrong antenna, or state machine error.
Using the AT commands into SLAVE does seem to improve the results, but not reliably.
Sometimes the nucleo stops resopnding to AT commands entered via the USB. A full power down is required.
The following AT commands appear to be useful in jogging the device to 'work'
AT_ADR=0 (The board always wants AT+ADR=1)
AT+DR=5 (It seems to always default back to AT+DR=0
AT+TXP=7 (It seems to default to 0) My most reliable rejoin is on TXP=1 ,2 or 3.
I have a number of HElium hotspot in range (approx 50), and HElium tends to always choose the gateway with the weakest RSSI. As a result the join response from these distant gateways does no get back to my devices (all devices). By limiting TX Power on the join only local gateways receive the join request and respond. The response is then strong enough for my device to receive it and join
AT+ CERTIF=1 this streams on the log and may, after some minutes, elicit a join response. Sometimes this join can be used further. Stopping the CERTIF process is a hit and miss affair.
1) Is there any documentation on the function of the user buttons on the demo eamples?
2) Is there an AT command, button sequence etc to reset the device?
3) AT which stage should ATZ< AT+CS and AT+RFS be used?
4) Can I use the debugger to examine and change the NVM?
5) What LEDs should be flashing (The Blue and green LEDS flash if I push the buttons, otherwise not.)
It would be a great help if UM2592 could be expanded to include operational details of the worked examples. Or perhaps have a hyperlink to them, since I cannot find such documentation.