2021-09-16 8:04 AM
I wanted to update from version 1.0.0 to 1.1.0 and after flashing the LoRaWAN_End_Node_DualCore demo on my Nucleo WL55JC, I cannot take control over the device anymore.
I can connect with a debugger on CPU1 and access registers, but memory is only read as zeroes. CPU1 is in constant Hardfault, and I cannot modify the Flash in any way.
It seems that CPU2 security is activated and I cannot find a way to disable it, same for any security options. I'm using CubeProgrammer 2.8
RDP = 0xFF
ESE = 1
FSD = 0
DDS = 1
If there is a way to recover this board I would be very grateful.
Thank you
2021-09-16 8:09 AM
Here is the full option bytes
STM32CubeProgrammer v2.8.0
ST-LINK SN : 004400313038511234333935
Voltage : 3.27V
SWD freq : 12000 KHz
Connect mode: Normal
Reset mode : Software reset
Device ID : 0x497
Revision ID : Rev Z
Device name : STM32WLxx
Flash size : 256 KBytes
Device type : MCU
Device CPU : Cortex-M4
BL Version : 0xc1
Bank : 0x00
Address : 0x58004020
Size : 96 Bytes
██████████████████████████████████████████████████ 100%
Bank : 0x01
Address : 0x58004080
Size : 8 Bytes
██████████████████████████████████████████████████ 100%
Read Out Protection:
RDP : 0xFF (Level 1, read protection of memories)
BOR Level:
BOR_LEV : 0x0 (BOR Level 0 reset level threshold is around 1.7 V)
User Configuration:
nBOOT0 : 0x0 (nBOOT0=0)
nBOOT1 : 0x1 ()
nSWBOOT0 : 0x0 (BOOT0 taken from the option bit nBOOT0)
SRAM_RST : 0x1 (SRAM1 and SRAM2 are not erased when a system reset occurs)
SRAM2_PE : 0x1 (SRAM2 parity check disable)
nRST_STOP : 0x0 (Reset generated when entering the Stop mode)
nRST_STDBY : 0x0 (Reset generated when entering the Standby mode)
nRST_SHDW : 0x0 (Reset generated when entering the Shutdown mode)
WWDG_SW : 0x1 (Software window watchdog)
IWGD_STDBY : 0x1 (Independent watchdog counter running in Standby mode)
IWDG_STOP : 0x1 (Independent watchdog counter running in Stop mode)
IWDG_SW : 0x1 (Software independent watchdog)
BOOT_LOCK : 0x0 (CPU1 CM4 Boot lock disabled)
C2BOOT_LOCK : 0x0 (CPU2 CM0+ Boot lock disabled)
Security Configuration Option bytes ESE:
ESE : 0x1 (Security enabled)
PCROP Protection:
PCROP1A_STRT : 0xFF (0x803FC00)
PCROP1A_END : 0xFF (0x803FC00)
PCROP_RDP : 0x1 (PCROP zone is erased when RDP is decreased)
PCROP1B_STRT : 0xFF (0x803FC00)
PCROP1B_END : 0x0 (0x8000000)
Write Protection:
WRP1A_STRT : 0x7F (0x803F800)
WRP1A_END : 0x0 (0x8000000)
WRP1B_STRT : 0x7F (0x803F800)
WRP1B_END : 0x0 (0x8000000)
Security Configuration Option bytes:
SFSA : 0x0 (0x0)
FSD : 0x0 (System and Flash secure. This bit can only be accessed when HDPADIS = 0)
DDS : 0x1 (CPU2 debug access disabled (when also enabled by C2SWDBGEN))
HDPSA : 0x0 (0x0)
HDPAD : 0x0 (User Flash hide protection area access enabled.)
SUBGHSPISD : 0x0 (FSD=0 and SUBGHSPISD=0: SPI3 security enabled)
C2OPT : 0x1 (SBRV will address Flash memory, from start address 0x0800 0000 + SBRV.)
NBRSD : 0x0 (SRAM1 is secure if FSD=0 and non-secure otherwise. This bit can only be accessed when HDPADIS = 0)
SNBRSA : 0x0 (0x0)
BRSD : 0x0 (SRAM2 is secure if FSD=0 and non-secure otherwise. This bit can only be accessed when HDPADIS = 0)
SBRSA : 0x0 (0x0)
SBRV : 0xFE00 (0xFE00)
2021-09-20 12:59 AM
For further information, I modified both linker files for the M0 and the M4 to correspond to the memory mapping of our project. The only changes are in memory definitions and are :
M0 Linker file
RAM (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x2000B000, LENGTH = 20K
FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x08029000, LENGTH = 92K
RAM_SHARED (xrw): ORIGIN = 0x2000A000, LENGTH = 4K
M4 Linker file
RAM (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 32K
FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x08000000, LENGTH = 164K
RAM_SHARED (rw) : ORIGIN = 0x20009000, LENGTH = 4K