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[ STM32WB5MMG ] : CPU2 stuck in non discovery state....

Associate II


I have a custom board with a STM32WB5MMG module.

This board is very simple. It is a Bluetooth dongle which act as an intermediate between and a serail bus for an other board.

In some case, almost one time in 10, at power up, the dongle still stuck in a state where it can't connect to the counterpart.


The program is based on "Custom Template" from the "Server Mode" in the STM32_WPAN configuration.

For now, the behaviour is very simple :

- I have a server named FS.01 (Bluetooth short local name)

- I have a scanner named HS.01 (Bluetooth short local name)

- the scanner search FS.01, connect to it , discover all services associated and wait data from server through notifications.


As you could see in the log below (I add some makers [?] for clarity) :

  • the start of the MCU is going well
  • [1] the program still some several seconds at "** START GENERAL DISCOVERY (SCAN) ** ".  When the program working correctly, I could see the discovery of multiples devices around me.
  • [2] after the timeout, the program receive the event "ACI_GAP_PROC_COMPLETE_VSEVT_CODE", and the value of BleApplicationContext.DeviceServerFound is different from 0x01.
  • If I do nothing, the program still stuck in this state.
  • I try differents solutions to solve it.
    • [3] initialy, I try to call NVIC_SytemReset. The main program reboot but I still stuck without to see any server
    • [4] I try to call "aci_gap_terminate" without any visible results.
    • [5] I try to call "aci_hal_stack_reset" without any visble results.
Connect <CR><LF>
> search server FS.01 ...<CR><LF>

Wireless Firmware version 1.16.0<LF>
Wireless Firmware build 4<LF>
FUS version 1.2.0<LF>
>>== DBGMCU_GetRevisionID= 2001 <LF><CR>
>>== DBGMCU_GetDeviceID= 495 <LF><CR>

  Success: SHCI_C2_BLE_Init command<LF><CR>
Start Ble_Hci_Gap_Gatt_Init function<LF><CR>
  Success: hci_reset command<LF><CR>
  Success: aci_hal_write_config_data command - CONFIG_DATA_RANDOM_ADDRESS_OFFSET<LF>
  Random Bluetooth Address: d9:b2:4d:ad:9c:3b<LF>
  Success: aci_hal_write_config_data command<LF><CR>
  Success: aci_hal_write_config_data command<LF><CR>
  Success: aci_hal_set_tx_power_level command<LF><CR>
  Success: aci_gatt_init command<LF><CR>
  Success: aci_gap_init command<LF><CR>
  Success: aci_gap_set_io_capability command<LF><CR>
  Success: aci_gap_set_authentication_requirement command<LF><CR>
  Success: aci_gap_configure_whitelist command<LF><CR>
  Success: aci_hal_set_radio_activity_mask command<LF><CR>
mm evt released: 0xFF subevtcode: 0x9200 buffer addr: 0x20000100<CR><LF>

>  SERVER NO FOUND <LF><CR> // the programm didn't found a corresponding server
...RESET   <LF><CR> // try some actions to "reset" the processus [3]
server not found : success to terminate procedure<LF><CR> // [4]
> Success to reset stack<LF>  // call aci_hal_stack_reset() [5]


The only solution which work is to power down  / power up the MCU.

But the other board which communicate with the processor STM32WB5MMG can't cut the power line. Thant why I search a "software" solution.

On differents posts on this forum, I saw we can't reset the CPU2. 

But to my opinion, I need a solution like a "reset" on CPU2. But how ? Do you have a solution  ?

ST Employee

Hello @arault 

I suggest you to:

  • Ensure that the FUS and Stack are up to date with the latest versions that include fixes for similar issues.
  • Check the initialization sequence of the BLE stack and ensure that it is correctly configured. There might be specific configurations or initializations that are required to prevent the dongle from getting stuck (you may also have to test your HW With one of the examples already compiled to ensure that your HW does not have any problem).

If you still have issue on your HW or SW side, you may have to check with one of our FAEs that can ensure you a dedicated support to your case.

For the SW Reset, you can use NVIC_SystemReset, aci_gap_terminate or aci_hal_stack_reset.

Best Regards.


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