2023-03-02 6:12 AM
Some of our devices stopped working properly. We can see an advertisement, however the advertisement does not contain a device name. Furthermore, it is not possible to connect to the device. The interesting part is, that the device seems to be broken permanently. No matter which firmware is flashed, the device does not recover. Even the ST provided examples do not work. However, other devices which are not "broken" work fine even though the same firmware is flashed (which does not work on the "broken" device).
We made sure that all firmware files are the same on the devices (user FW, FUS, BLE stack). However, still there are devices which work with this firmware setup and devices which do not work. We tried with BLE Stack v1.13.3 and v1.15.0.
My question to you is the following:
Do you know of occurrences where a user firmware change on CPU1 broke the BLE module? Do you have any suggestions how we might fix this issue?
Best regards and thank you,
Levin Messing
2023-03-11 12:36 PM
Check and compare the option bytes between the devices.
2023-03-14 11:29 AM
Can you share the obtion bytes value (SBRV and SFSA) ?
Best Regards