2023-04-17 7:28 AM
I wanted to ask if anyone actually is doing (or has already done successfully) the STM32WB Getting Started Series on youtube (STM32WB Getting Started Series - YouTube) and the according Nucleo Pack (P-NUCLEO-WB55 - Bluetooth 5 and 802.15.4 Nucleo Pack including USB dongle and Nucleo-64 with STM32WB55 MCUs, supports Arduino Uno V3 and ST morpho connectivity - STMicroelectronics) ?
I'm currently facing the problem that even If I follow all steps in the tutorial in Detail (Flashing the FUS, then Flashing the BLE stack, then build and upload the BLE application) and the whole process works without any errors or warnings, in the end my smartphone is not able to detect the Application with the ST BLE Toolbox app.
I already tried other apps like "Light Blue App" but the problem remains the same.
A list of the software versions I'm currently Using:
CubeMX - V 1.10.1
CubeProg - V 2.13.0
FUS-File: "stm32wb5x_FUS_fw_for_fus_0_5_3.bin" - BLE V 1.16.0 - Flashing-Address: 0x080EC000
BLE-Stack-File: "stm32wb5x_BLE_Stack_full_fw.bin" - BLE V 1.16.0 - Flashing-Address: 0x080CE000
(also tried BLE V 1.14.1 version of the two files)
I also uploaded the two Applications "BLE_Beacon" and "BLE_Custom" from the prebuild Applications by STM on the board and started the apps to look if they can detect anything but with the same result, they couldn't find the device. But the apps can find other BLE devices like smartphones so I think the problem is not on the apps side, it has te be in the Nucleo hardware or the software.
Did anyone facing a similar problem and can give hints on this ?
I'm clueless because there is no errors or warnings in CubeProgrammer or CubeMX so I don't know how to start debugging.
Many Greetings
Solved! Go to Solution.
2023-04-20 8:25 AM
According to your screenshot the FUS is running on CPU2, that's why your device doesn't advertise. Start the wireless stack using STM32CubeProgrammer tool, in the windows Firmware Upgrade Services, click on Start Wireless Stack.
Best Regards
2023-04-20 7:11 AM
Can you try with a basic example like BLE_p2pServer, and see if you have the same behavior? Which IDE are you using?
Best Regards
2023-04-20 7:17 AM
Hi Remy,
Thx for your reply,
I already tried almost all example applications from the Git Repository of the STM32WB55 for the according BLE stack version (as already described in my first post).
I tried BLE_Beacon Example, BLE_Custom Example, BLE_p2pServer example and many others. It's always the same effect, there is no error or warning message but the device is invisible in the ST BLE Toolbox app and also in the Light Blue App and I also tried several smartphones on this.
I use STMCubeMX+STMCubeIDE at version 1.10.1 (as already described in my first post).
I also took an Antenna measurement Device and tried to measure the 2.4GHz output signal, but the signal is not visible. When another BLE-device is in the room and activated (for example smartphone or other) then the Antenna Measurement device shows an output level of around -40dB at the 2.400 to 2.480 GHz range, but if all devices switched off except the µC-board then no signal-amplitude is visible. So even if the application seems to run properly, the device is not sending ("advertising").
Many Greetings
2023-04-20 7:20 AM
Can you check the log in the hyperterminal and see if the BLE stack is runnning or not?
Best Regards
2023-04-20 7:22 AM
Hi Remy,
Do you mean to plug in the device in the UART port and check the output with a terminal like Hterm or Putty or similar ?
2023-04-20 7:24 AM
2023-04-20 7:36 AM - edited 2023-11-20 7:55 AM
This is the terminal output (thats the whole output, not more).
Also LED2 on the board is on which seems to indicate that the application is running.
(I'm actually using V1.13.0 of the stack because it is used in the video tutorial but i also tested other versions including the newest (1.16.0).
What I can definitely say is that the hardware is not sending a bluetooth signal because, I also took an Antenna measurement Device and tried to measure the 2.4GHz output signal, but the signal is not visible. When another BLE-device is in the room and activated (for example smartphone or other) then the Antenna Measurement device shows an output level of around -40dB at the 2.400 to 2.480 GHz range, but if all devices switched off except the µC-board then no signal-amplitude is visible. So even if the application seems to run properly, the device is not sending ("advertising").
Many Greetings
2023-04-20 7:49 AM
This is the terminal output (thats the whole output, not more).
Also LED2 on the board is on which seems to indicate that the application is running.
(I'm actually using V1.13.0 of the stack because it is used in the video tutorial but i also tested other versions including the newest (1.16.0).
What I can definitely say is that the hardware is not sending a bluetooth signal because, I also took an Antenna measurement Device and tried to measure the 2.4GHz output signal, but the signal is not visible. When another BLE-device is in the room and activated (for example smartphone or other) then the Antenna Measurement device shows an output level of around -40dB at the 2.400 to 2.480 GHz range, but if all devices switched off except the µC-board then no signal-amplitude is visible. So even if the application seems to run properly, the device is not sending ("advertising").
Many Greetings
2023-04-20 8:25 AM
According to your screenshot the FUS is running on CPU2, that's why your device doesn't advertise. Start the wireless stack using STM32CubeProgrammer tool, in the windows Firmware Upgrade Services, click on Start Wireless Stack.
Best Regards
2023-04-20 8:52 AM
Hi Remy thx for this hint,
I'm not sure because I only tested with the p2p-Application yet, but I think this solved the problem.
But I'm confused, because according to datasheet the FUS-Service and the BLE-Stack are on diffrent locations(addresses) in the Flash-ROM of second core.
So how can they block eachother, can you explain ?
Many Greetings