2022-04-25 10:31 AM
Hello, I have been testing my custom board using MCUs, Stm32WB series, these days.
Actually, I successfully opened my own custom board with a functioning RF part (BLE).
However, there is still an undeclared issue with new WB MCUs.
When I used a new WB MCUs, the RF part (BLE) was not able to open while the other functions like GPIOs, UART, SPI, and more were totally fine. However, when I desoldered WB MCU from Nucleo board and soldered on my custom board, it was totally fine even after I upload new firmware.
Is there any special step or method for setting a new Stm32WB MCU before opening RF part?
I really want to solve this issue as I cannot sacrifice expensive Nucleo boards for every new project.
Thank you for reading.
2022-04-26 12:38 AM
How about clock? To open RF you must use external crystal clock. Because you said that the bluetooth is working, there would be no problem but some clock setting could be wrong for ADC or other things.
2022-04-26 9:15 PM
As I used the exactly same firmware for testing, I don't think that it is clock problem. The only difference is using a new chip and using a chip that is from nucleo board.
2022-04-28 2:36 AM
When you receive a new STM32WB nucleo board, there is nothing to do, BLE_p2pServer application is already flash. Have you try to use it before flashing a new application ?
Best Regards
2022-04-28 3:38 AM
As I told you, it is about the new chip not a new nucleo board. I directly order MCU chips from Mouser.
2022-05-04 6:06 AM
When you order a STM32WB Nucleo board, there is already, a FUS, a BLE Stack and the BLE_p2pServer application but when you order directly the STM32WB chip, only the FUS is loaded on the chip. So, in case of using STM32WB chip, you should load the BLE stack and your application.
Can you explain a bit more what are you doing ?
Best Regards
2022-05-04 7:59 PM
I have to do the same thing. So, I hope you have progress.
2022-05-05 2:04 AM
For my case, I want to use my custom board using WB chip. Therefore, I ordered a lot of new chips in prior.
How can I load BLE stack to my new chip? Do you have any link or tutorial for that?
2022-05-05 2:08 AM
The following wiki page explains how to perform FUS and wireless stack update:
Best Regards