2020-12-11 3:33 AM
I`m having some issues with programming p-nucleo usb dongle board with USB DFu mode.
The way I understand is ,
this is the piece of code that i use to jump to system bootloader on button click. I modified the DFU Standalone Project provided by STM.
#define USBD_DFU_APP_DEFAULT_ADD 0x0800C000U
typedef void (*pFunction)(void);
void HAL_GPIO_EXTI_Callback(uint16_t GPIO_Pin)
pFunction JumpToApplication;
uint32_t JumpAddress;
/* Change the period from 500ms to 250ms or 250ms to 500ms */
delay = (delay == 250) ? 700 : 250;
JumpAddress = *(__IO uint32_t*) (USBD_DFU_APP_DEFAULT_ADD);
JumpToApplication = (pFunction) JumpAddress;
Here my questions
1) Does my code look okay ?
2)Normally if I switch SW2 to BOOT0 dongle board starts if DFU mode already. If the above code works I should be able to see the board in DFU mode without the need of SW2 , Is this correct ?
3)I have both STM32 Programmer and DFuse installed. When I run the code I can see "DFU in FS Mode" but I`m not sure if this is correct ?
4)Stm programmer can`t connect it if the SW1 is not BOOT0 . And Dfuse can never detect it.
5)I read in the forums that STM32 Programmer is replacement for DFuse but I can`t browse for *.dfu files in STM32 . Am I mising something ?
Thanks for your help and supportt