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STM32WB scheduler and CubeMX: adding different priority levels for tasks using CubeMx

Associate III

Good day,

I'm using the scheduler to be able to run tasks on the STM32WB. It all works fine, but I would like to be able to add different priority levels to tasks, since the timing of some tasks are more critical than others.

I edited app_conf.h as follows (default only had CFG_SCH_PRIO_0 and CFG_PRIO_NBR):

 * This is the list of priority required by the application
 * Each Id shall be in the range 0..31
typedef enum
} CFG_SCH_Prio_Id_t;

I also edited utilities_conf.h as follows (was 2, now 4):

#define UTIL_SEQ_CONF_PRIO_NBR                  (4)

I'm happy to report that this works! However, I need to keep on changing these two files every time I regenerate code with CubeMx (I'm using it from within STM32CubeIDE). Is this perhaps something that could be added to a next revision of the STM32WB software package? Perhaps under the scheduler, the number of priority levels can be chosen.

Christophe Arnal
ST Employee


Your analysis is correct.

This issue will be reported to the developement team.


Associate III

Thank you @Christophe Arnal​ ! I appreciate that.

Also the UTIL_SEQ_CONF_PRIO_NBR macro is redundant and unnecessary. It can be replaced by the CFG_PRIO_NBR constant, which will change it's value automatically.