2020-12-04 11:18 PM
Hello Sir,
I am working on STM32WB. I am using the reference of STM32WB Dongle. The reference Dongle design used STM32WB55CGU6U MCU Part Number. I used STM32WB55CGU6 ( Without 'U') MCU Part. Bluetooth is not working with my PCB.
is there any Difference related to Hardware or Firmware?
Reference Link: https://www.st.com/en/evaluation-tools/p-nucleo-wb55.html
Sagar Kayasth
2020-12-06 10:09 PM
Hello ST Support Team,
Here is my Schematic and PCB Design.Please Suggest Changes or Testing Solution For it.
Reference Design : P-NUCLEO-WB55
Reference Link: https://www.st.com/en/evaluation-tools/p-nucleo-wb55.html
ThanksSagar Kayasth
2020-12-07 8:40 PM
Hello ST,
Same thing is happening to me also, I had taken reference of MB1293 board that what I had put in my design too.
The only difference in the reference and my design is of MCU part no i.e., STM32WB55CGU6U (Reference board MCU) and STM32WB55CGU6 (Used in my design).
But the problem is that, in a reference board a band pass filter (FLT1) is not connected and that do so in my board too. And Reference board is getting Bluetooth signal but not in mine board.
So my question is that, after connecting the band pass filter(FLT1) my design should I able to receive a Bluetooth signal? Or have to change something in API?
If not, please suggest some solution for the same, if I have to change some thing in my design or else what you know about it.
Here I am attaching some images of reference board and my board along with the schematic.
Figure 1. Reference board.
Figure 2. My board.
Figure 3. Schematic.
Figure 1.
Figure 2.
Figure 3.
Please Suggest some solution for this as I also looking from my side.
Thanks - Soham Mistry.
*Figure 1. Reference board.
Figure 2. My board.
Figure 3. Schematic.
#[Hardware Design]
2020-12-08 1:21 AM
My PCB is 4-layer PCB but "AN5165" suggests antenna for 2 layer PCB. I made replica of STM32WB USB stick which has two layers.
Does this affect performance of antenna in my case?
2020-12-09 12:44 AM
2023-11-16 1:41 PM
Super old thread, but I thought I'd post one possible answer. You need to verify that you have loaded the correct BLE stack onto your processor. If you don't have that on there, your own app code won't work correctly when you go to use the Bluetooth portion...
2023-11-24 12:05 PM
Another item I should have mentioned is that once you have loaded the correct BLE stack (and FUS) onto your own chip, and have programmed both of those items in the correct locations (follow the release notes for the latest version of each), you also need to hit the "Start Wireless Stack" button in the ST Cube Programmer Software (which requires you to use an ST Link programmer). I don't know what that button does exactly, but I'm guessing it sets a fuse or something somewhere. If you are using something like a Segger J-Link or J-Trace, I don't know how you would perform the equivalent of pushing that button...