2019-12-09 12:09 PM
I 'm looking for a 100% working example for my MCU (an STM32F030F4P6) at TrueSTUDIO.
Is there such an example?
2019-12-09 1:55 PM
Probably not.
Likely going to need to find something close, and port. And/or construct in your chosen toolchain.
2019-12-10 12:57 AM
Ok, even something close would help.
If it's tested and working it 'll be very helpful.
2019-12-10 6:44 AM
At 433 MHz ? LoRa or LoRaWAN ?
Seem to recall most of ST's LRWAN library examples were for the SX1272 and SX1276 parts. Although I don't think the SX1278 would be significantly different.
If you want something that's drop-n-go look at the hardware/boards the LRWAN software supports out-of-the-box and uses those combinations.
These things can be ported, but it is not a zero cost exercise.
Beyond that, you could mine github or other open source examples, or use the Semtech libraries more directly, without ST's spin on them.
2019-12-10 7:13 AM
At 433 MHz, LoRa not LoRaWAN.
2020-01-27 4:30 AM
2 months later, I have made some progress...:)
I have managed to make the transmitter work!
BUT it does not work as it should: out of the 100 messages it transmits, the receiver receives only 10 to 15...
I have tried sending them every 2.5 Seconds, then every 10 Seconds, every 30 Seconds, but the result is the same.
(this Lora module I 'm using works fine with Arduino)
I 've also tried changing:
-Spreading Factor
-Signal Bandwidth
-Transmission Power
-Coding Rate
-Preamble Length
Without any result.
I have uploaded my code on github, folders Inc and Src (and the whole project in the zip file, just in case).
(the code is a 'mixture' of codes from here and here)
Any help is welcome.