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STM32CubeProg WB55 GUI

Senior III


I use STM32CubeProg 1.6 to configure my stm32wb55. If I use ST-Link there are two bookmarks and if I use USB boot there is only one bookmark. Is it ok?

0693W000008waLhQAI.png And also there are a lot of error while I try to set option bytes via ST_Link.


P.S. Please make CubeProg GUI a part of CubeIDE.

@Imen DAHMEN​ 

ST Employee

Hi @dungeonlords789​ ,

  • For difference between Debug and Bootloader option bytes display , it's coming from a tool internal implementation detail which doesn't impact the final user.If you are facing any issue with that I can report it to Development team.
  • Concerning the ESE bit , it is a read only as mentioned in reference manual RM0434 section : Embedded Flash memory (FLASH) .Some others option bytes are read only too (SFSA,SBRV,FSD,...) even they are marked R/W in reference manual, they are accessible only to secure processor running wireless code(M0+).

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Thank you

1) "or difference between Debug and Bootloader option bytes display , it's coming from a tool internal implementation detail which doesn't impact the final user.If you are facing any issue with that I can report it to Development team." I think it is not ok that in boot mode I see one set of bookmarks and in debug mode I see another set...

2) ok, in my case ESE bit is read only . So CubeProg should say "ESE bit is readonly in debug mode", but CubeProg says "ESE does not exist". It isn't the same.

ST Employee

Hi @dungeonlords789​ ,

  • It is the same set of option bytes but presented graphically in a different way.
  • I agree with you, the warning message needs to be changed to reflect the real cause, I will submit an internal request to do it. But this bit cannot be changed anyway as it is read only.


CubeProg 2.8.0 is still unstable.

Look video
