2021-03-06 6:13 PM
CubeProg 2.6.0 is very unstable!
I use it to program (upgrade FUS, stack) my stm32WB55 on MB1293C board and sometimes when I push buttons CubeProg is closing.
Windows 7.
2021-03-10 2:59 PM
2021-03-11 11:04 AM
Hello @dungeonlords789 ,
Thanks for pointing out to me this issue.
I raised your feedback internally to be reviewed and treated by our expert accordingly to the priority.
I'll make sure to post updates here as soon as I have more details.
2021-03-12 1:08 PM
I also recomend make text more userful
1) "Firmware delete" - what should do this button? Delete firmware on MCU1, MCU2, both, or delete FUS? May be it should calls "Radio stack delete"?
2) "Start adress". I thing it should be a list, not text edit. It is not userfull because you allow write any number...
3) "Verify download" Are you sure that user can decide verify or not? Of cause flash must be verified! So I think you should remove this checkbox and verify after every writing.
4) What means "full chip erase" button in case of stm32wb55? Erase MCU1, MCU2, FUS, all? In CubeProg 2.6 this button just fail:
01:04:01 : MASS ERASE ...
01:04:01 : Error: Mass erase operation failed.Please verify flash protection
01:04:01 : Warning: Connection to device 0x495 is lost
01:04:02 : Disconnected from device.
2021-04-05 11:19 AM
Hello @dungeonlords789 ,
First let me thank you for your feedback and for the useful suggestions you gave, they will be taken into consideration.
Sorry for the late update :grinning_face_with_sweat:, but I wasn't able to reproduce the issue from my side.
Could you please re-test with the latest STM32CubeProgrammer version 2.7.0 and check if this issue still persists ?
I'll be waiting for you feedback.
2021-04-05 1:52 PM
Well, You are lucky, I can't close mine.
2021-04-06 9:22 AM
Hi @LMI2 ,
Do you mean that by pressing the Firmware delete button, STM32CubeProgrammer crashes and could not be closed anymore ? did I will understand your problem?
Also, could you please precise which board are you using as well as the STM32CubeProgrammer version you're working with.
Your feedback will be very important to track the root cause of any misbehavior.
2021-04-08 6:15 AM
New 2.7.0 looks more stable. I am testing it.
There is not good fix for ESE in st-link mode. In 2.6 it was wrong "doesn't exist", but now it is "doesn't exist" and "is not programmable". Please look at my prev post https://community.st.com/s/question/0D53W00000dP06wSAC/stm32cubeprog-wb55-gui "full chip erase" button now works! But I think message "Are you sure you want to erase full chip flash memory?" is not good in case of stm32wb55. What means "full chip erase" in case of stm32wb55? Erase MCU1, MCU2, FUS, all? So you should use message like "Are you sure you want to erase MCU1 flash memory?" And what about English? I am not English speaker, but may be "Are you sure to erase" is better than "Are you sure you want to erase"?
2021-05-01 12:30 PM
Ah. I am sorry, I didn't notice your reply. I'll report when I am using the again. Thank you for your help.
2021-05-01 3:53 PM
I updated the CubeProgrammer and tested my board today, and I did not find any problems.
Thank you for your support